January 2010

Here are pics of Madelyn and Derek "sweeping snow" according to Madelyn. They went out a couple weeks ago and then yesterday. Yesterday, they built a mini "frosty" that Madelyn has been asking to make for a while. She's been asking since fall... because that's when Derek broke out the kiddie Christmas movies. The other pics are just of the girls around the house.

We are working on potty training with Madelyn. It's going well. She likes to ask people to "pray for my panties". It really caught my dad off guard the first time! Madelyn is loving being a big sister to Adriauna and seems excited about this new one. Adriauna is getting more of a personality. It's fun to see her learn new things. She isn't walking quite yet, but then neither did Madelyn until after Adriauna was born.

I've been having contractions for a couple days now. I'm being induced on Feb. 3rd, that is unless this girl decides to come first. We'll keep you posted and put pics on once she does come.

Hope everyone is having a great week!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thats's sooo cute!! Hope they all are doing well!!