God's Divine Movement!

This past few months I would say that our lives have been blasted by different things but also really blessed! I departed earlier than expected from my current job, we had a beautiful girl come into our lives, many people listened to God and where there was a need you filled it! I want to thank everyone for their generosity! I thank God for supplying me a job at Lowes, even though I won't be starting for another week! I know for us this has been a huge Faith Growing time for our family! I would like to call it bittersweet! We are looking forward to what God has in store for us in the days to come! Its been a great ride!

I leave you with this! There is this song by Jesus Culture called "one thing remains"
Here are the lyrics!

Higher than the mountains that i face
Stronger than the power of the grave
constant in the trial and the change

One thing remains

Your love never fails
It never gives up
It never runs out on me

Because on and on and on and on it goes
It overwhelmes and satisfies my soul
And i'll never, ever, have to be afraid

One thing remains

In death
In life
I'm confident and covered by the Power of Your great love

My dept is paid
Theres nothing that can separate
My heart from Your great love

1 comment:

Kandi Wall said...

Love that song, we've sung it a lot at church. God's love never fails!