Growing, growing, growing!

Here are some of the latest pictures of the girls. Madelyn adores Brooklynn and Adriauna is mesmerized by her. Brooklynn's belly button has already fallen off. If you asked Madelyn about the belly button she would tell you "There's POOP in there! EW!". Adriauna is getting better at sleeping through the night, thankfully. And we're still working on walking with her. She's definitely our dare devil. Madelyn is doing a great job at being potty trained. Although we still haven't been brave enough to try it out in public yet. She got a card in the mail that she could also color from my Grandma and did an amazing job at staying in the lines!

God is continuing to open doors for us and faithfully we are walking through. Derek has had two interviews with churches in the last week and just got back with an interview at Lowe's this morning. With one of the churches, he made the "Top 12" out of 150 applicants. So whether or not that is the place where God wants us, being in the top 12 speaks very highly of him. (Nope, not a little biased at all. Ha!)

1 comment:

Kandi Wall said...

Your girls are so adorable. Maybe we'll have a girl someday. Congrats to Derek on the Job interviews, we're praying for a door to open for you guys soon. Stay in touch so we can get together soon.